Friday, February 7, 2014

this is a theoretical way in order to live longer if medical science listens to this blog(just saying).

My theory is if medical science figures out on how to slow aging, then to stop aging and then to reverse aging(aging backwards), and the medical science community i believe has figure out on how to slow the aging process but hasn't figured out on how to stop aging, let alone reverse the aging process, but once the medical science people figure on how to stop the aging process then there a step closer in reversing the aging processes, but this generation is only in the first step which is the aging process can be slowed down of course., and once the medical science community figures out on how to reverse the aging process of course it would take time for sure to see the effects of the reverse aging process,
for example: say you're 55 yrs. old and want to have the body of a 5 yr. old, it was take 50yrs. for your 55 yr. old body to get than 5 yr. old body back and you would be going through a kind of reverse puberty once you hit the body age of 21 or something like that, but still back the age thing, you're 55 yrs. old right now say you do the process of the reversing aging thing(not sure how they're going to do it) it would take 50 yrs. for you get your 5 yr. old body back, so your chronological age would be 105 yrs. old with a 5 yr. old body, and that's the only way i see to adults to even live longer than 200 yrs. old.
and i'll be using myself, for another example and My name is Casey Lee Anderson and I'm a young adult male and I was born on April 24, 1991 at 8:13pm at Athens Regional Medical Center, 1199 Prince Ave. Athens, GA 30606. and the date i'm writing this blog is Feb. 7, 2014, and say that the medical science already has the reverse puberty available to the public already, but is very expensive, and very dangerous as well, so the medical science would prevent you from reversing your puberty at anytime of the yr. you have to take it on your birthday to say the least at the exact or 1 minute after you were born so you don't get you age confused and so you can keep track of what's happening to your body as well. say i did the process of reversing aging on April 24, 2014 at 8:13pm or 8:14pm so i would be 23 yrs. old then and say i want to go back to having the body of a 5 yr. old so it would take me 18yrs. to get my 5 yr. old body back.

April 24, 2014=chronological age=23 yrs. old, body age=still 23 yrs.old
April 24, 2015=chronological age=24 yrs. old, body age=22 yrs. old
April 24, 2016=chronological age=25 yrs. old, body age=21 yrs. old
April 24, 2017=chronological age=26 yrs. old, body age=20 yrs. old
April 24, 2018=chronological age=27 yrs. old, body age=19 yrs. old
April 24, 2019=chronological age=28 yrs. old, body age=18 yrs. old
April 24, 2020=chronological age=29 yrs. old, body age=17 yrs. old
April 24, 2021=chronological age=30 yrs. old, body age=16 yrs. old
April 24, 2022=chronological age=31 yrs. old, body age=15 yrs. old
April 24, 2023=chronological age=32 yrs. old, body age=14 yrs. old
April 24, 2024=chronological age=33 yrs. old, body age=13 yrs. old
April 24, 2025=chronological age=34 yrs. old, body age=12 yrs. old
April 24, 2026=chronological age=35 yrs. old, body age=11 yrs. old
April 24, 2027=chronological age=36 yrs. old, body age=10 yrs. old
April 24, 2028=chronological age=37 yrs. old, body age= 9 yrs. old
April 24, 2029=chronological age=38 yrs. old, body age= 8 yrs. old
April 24, 2030=chronological age=39 yrs. old, body age= 7 yrs. old
April 24, 2031=chronological age=40 yrs. old, body age= 6 yrs. old
April 24, 2032=chronological age=41 yrs. old, body age= 5 yrs. old

the above chart with my birthday based on future years was to see my theory taking action if possible so i know when the supposed reverse puberty would be taking place and since i did that so-called table/chart and i was a late bloomer when i entered puberty i think i entered puberty at the age of 13 or 14 so i would be (the chronological age of 32 or 33 yrs. old) when my reverse puberty ended and i think the ending of my regular puberty ended when i was either 19 or 20 yrs. old so (the chronological age i would be when my reverse puberty start would be the ages 26 or 27 yrs. old.) would be my chronological age when the reverse puberty started and stuff. what would the reverse puberty entail, you may ask, well reverse puberty would entail all the same stuff as regular puberty would, but with some key differences instead of gaining weight, you would be losing weight or vice versa(depends on how your body was when you were a kid), and losing pubic hair and body hair including armpit and facial hair and instead of growing taller, you would be shrinking, in others getting shorter or growing shorter and also losing all sexual capabilities (such as wouldn't be able to have kids if you went through the reverse puberty area or if you went to the body age of younger than when you started puberty, ejaculate, or masturbate), but hopefully you would be able to still remember your old childhood as well as your new one as well as the adult life you once lived before you started the reverse puberty thing. and the chart and why it would only be available to do it on your birthday would be so you can keep track of your chronological age as well as your body age if you did the reverse puberty like for the chart shown here than i did as an example with my birthdate and body age if i decide to do it and if it was available which it isn't available to reverse puberty well at least not yet. there would be some complications like losing your old memories and stuff like that when you would go through reverse puberty. and that's another reason if reverse puberty was available, i would ask all the clients to make a video diary of themselves 1 yr. before they start the reverse puberty process as well as find some old childhood photographs as well as yearbooks., to save them so when the reverse puberty process end or once they get to the body age they want, then they can remember what their adult life was and how damaging it would be to them or vice versa.
And this could also be a punishment for certain types of criminals as well(think about it) murderers can't be helped but the punishment for sex offenders would be far more severe than life in prison, how so, first turn them into little children before they began puberty and make them stay prepubscent for the rest of their lives, it's a different life sentence but hopefully in a certain way they'll learn. if you catch my drift because they'll be repeating their young yrs. all over again, and again until they learn their lesson. think about it. and give this theory some thought if you'd please.

And also I figured out on how to do this invention of the pill, it's just a theory of course, but
It will require teams of scientists, and a whole plethora of baby food, puberty blockers(if the scientists who invented these medicine figured out on how to block puberty, maybe they might be able to create puberty reversers(not invented yet) and also you would need test subjects as well. and  the requirements would be asked in test form, why a test, well because if people don't want to ruin their supposed afterlife is one reason why, and two it will help out others folks who don't believe in a higher power more like a christian religion hopefully that's the other reason and another reason is because people want to stay young forever and not age a bit, but it might be impossible, but i think that it is possible to stay young if you follow those instructions, but each person who is a test subject would have their own brand pill as well why because the baby food would be one of the ingredients of the reverser pill, the puberty blockers is another way but instead of blocking puberty figure out on how to reverse it just in case some folk might change their mind on some things and for other reasons as well. because each baby is brought up with a certain brand of baby food, gerber or earth's best or some other brand of baby food, that's why the tests and the other reason for the reversing puberty test subjects to test to qualify to be a test subject is because, 1. That can't be Post-Op Transgender/Transsexual(because it would confuse the reversing puberty pill is one reason and because it would just be awkward for them to go back through another puberty then regrow through one that they had to take pills or injections for. that's one reason, the only one transgender/transsexuals who would be able to take the reverse puberty pill would be the pre-op ones not the post op ones, the only way for the post ops for them to take a reverse puberty pills, find a recently dead child (depending on which gender they identify with) and take the dead child's reproductive system and place it within the new child and that's the only way i could think of, sorry if this seem like grave robbery somewhat but that's the only way i could think of the post-ops reliving the live that they think they should've lived just saying. That's the only way i could think of for post-op transgenders/transsexuals to take the reversing puberty pill, and the only way to qualify for the test how would the test be exactly and who would choose the candidates able to participate for the tests, well, i would be choosing the participants myself from what i would read from their test. and the people who would qualify can't or shouldn't be religious at all, atheists they would have to be or if they are religious people like christians and christians have something called a baptism, once a christian fully accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior then they would have to be baptized as soon as possible as well, and they would also be asked this question in the tests as well "Did you willing being of your own free will and mind accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? And were you baptized as well by being fully immersed in water(sprinkling water doesn't count), and did you get baptized willingly being of your own free will and mind as well? in other word were you forced by your parents or your church or did you church threatened you and your family with excommunication from the church if you didn't fully accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and be baptized, that would be unwillingly cooperation not being of your own free will and mind. that is what I mean, and if you did fully accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and asked him to forgive you of your sins of your own free will and mind, and were you baptized by being fully immersed in water being of your own free will and mind and if so when(what month, what date, and what year) were your baptized and at which church were you baptized at as well.

Those question might need some improving done to them but hopefully you get the gist of them, i hope but my theory is start boiling baby food and then add the puberty blockers to the baby food as well, and then have taser guns handy and shoot the tasers into the baby food pot, and make sure you wear rubber gloves and protective gear when you do this, this is a possible way of doing this, but the puberty blockers and the tasers are expensive and i can't get my hands on them but the baby food is a different story but this is my theory on how to test puberty reversers(when they get a chance to be invented), I already invented the idea of puberty reversers, but why asked the potential candidate about the baptism is because to figure out what age to stop the reversal puberty direction, and depends on the candidates potential target age, for example, take me, I fully accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in Nov. of 2012 and I was baptized on Sun April 28, 2013, and they would have to take the pill on the exact date and time of their birthdate as well and they would have to create a backwards calendar as well and match it up the normal calendars days so they know when just to take the reversing puberty pill stopper. as well. for example if this was invented this year and I was one of the potential candidate who qualified as a test subject the maximum years i would only be able to go back to 3 yrs younger then regrow and so i'm 24 yrs old turning 25 yrs in april 2016, and since i was baptized on april 28,2013 it might be less than 3 yr maybe around march of the 2019 and may of the reverse calendar year you might be saying what is a reverse calendar and a reverse calender would be counting the days backwards to your old years instead of going from 2015 to 2016 to 2017 or your reverse calendar would be going backwards and so would the days so you would need two calendars one reverse and one regular and depending on the test subjects target age, you would need that many years forwards and backwards but the reverse calendars would start with december 31, and be counted like a rocket launch would be counted down 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, or  something of the sort just make sure the days aligned up the correct day of the week they landed on original because we don't want to screw up the calendar system. for example if dec 31, ends on a friday then  the reverse calendar dec 31, would begin on a friday and so forth that way you at least get the days of the week right and yes it's confusing but it's necessary. the time itself stays the same, but the reverse calendar days of the week stays the same, it's just the order of the dates and the way of counting them changes. 31st would be on top of the calendar while the 1st would be on the bottom of the calendar that's the way the reverse calendars would work. and remember how many days are in each month
Feb-28(except for leap years, 29 days for leap years and leap years are these years, 2016, 2012, 2008,2004, 2000,1996,1992,1988,1984, 1980,1976,1972,1968,1964,1960)

Those are how many days are in each month of the year. and that's pretty much i will post the test what it would be like one on how i figure out how to draw a straight line. or fine stop test print outs or something of the sort.

Thanks for listening and Remember this is just a theory not real. and what do you think of my theory though.

Casey Lee Anderson

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